Web Applications

Multi-restaurant Food Ordering, Restaurant Management and Delivery Application


It is a multi-restaurant/store online ordering solution. It provides an Admin Dashboard, a Restaurant Management System, a Delivery Application (PWA), and a full-fledge Customer Progressive Web App (PWA).

Time : Jan 2020- May 2020

Team : 7

Platform : Android, iOS, Web

Industry : E-commerce

Project Idea

Create a a multi-restaurant/store online ordering solution.

Target Audience



Our Team developed a complex multi-restaurant/store online ordering solution. It provides an Admin Dashboard, a Restaurant Management System, a Delivery Application (PWA), and a full-fledge Customer Progressive Web App (PWA).



The client Initially had:

  • Custom UI Design
  • Idea Flow


We did a careful Project analysis

  • Code Review
  • Tech Stack Review
  • Meeting With Account Manager


Our Work Resulted into:

  • Defining list of tech requirements
  • Putting Project Team Together
  • Reengineering Android and iOS Apps

Case Studies

Employee Collector System
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Micro-Investment Platform
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Microfinance Solution
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Institution Modern Website
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Video On Demand Platform
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On-demand LPG (Cooking Gas) mobile marketplace service
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Taxi Solution
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ioT Smart Home Automation Solution
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On-Demand Services Solution
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Investment Management Platform
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Food Ordering, Restaurant Management and Delivery Application
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eCommerce Marketplace
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If you’re interested to all the Case Studies, click here.
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